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Content report (Custom report)

This custom report provides you with a list of content items on the platform as well as the details of each item, such as the title, ID, type, creation date, engagement metrics (including the number of likes, views, shares, and comments), and the communities and topics to which it belongs.

Example: This report can be very useful when auditing and verifying items of content within a community. You might generate this report, filtered by a particular community, in order to verify that the correct content is in the community and then use the list to cross-reference and ensure the content is up-to-date and in the correct topics. You could also use it to check if certain items of content have been left out accidentally.

Screenshot 2024-10-07 at 12.09.49.png

Standard fields included in the report

The following standard fields are included in this report:


  • The fields listed below are always included in this report and cannot be removed when creating the report.

  • The list below does not include any custom profile fields that may be included in the report that are specific to your organisation. For example, your organisation may have custom fields such as Location, Department, or Job Title that are included in this report.




Content id

The unique identifier of the item of content.


Content title

The title of the item of content.

Food Hygiene Best practices

Content type

The content type.

The following content types are available:

  • Article: An article created in the platform.

  • Video: A video that has been uploaded to the platform, either using the Upload button or recorded and uploaded using the screen recorder.

  • File: A file that has been uploaded to the platform, such as a documents, PDFs, images, and so on.

  • Link: An external link that has been posted to the platform.

  • Question: A question that has been posted to the platform.

  • SCORM: A SCORM course that has been uploaded to the platform.


File type

The file format that has been uploaded to the platform.

If the item of content is not a file type, such as a link, question, or article, the column will be empty.


Content tags

The tags that have been added to the content in the Tags field, typically during the creation process.

release; product release; release2024;

Example of tags in the Tags field for an item of content:

Screenshot 2024-10-04 at 10.02.48.png

Creation date

The original date on which the content was created.

06-11-2022 14:28:47

Last updated date

The date the content was last edited. If the content has never been edited, then the original creation date will be shown instead.

06-11-2023 14:28:47

Owner id

The unique identifier of the user who owns the content.


Community id

The unique identifiers of the communities where the item of content exists.


Community name

The name of the community where the item of content exists.

London sales

Topic id

The unique identifiers of the topics that the item of content has been added to.

This column will be empty if the content has not been added to any topics.


If the content exists in multiple topics, the unique identifiers are separated by a semi colon. For example: 22565;22566;466545

Topic name

The name of the topics that the item of content has been added to.

This column will be empty if the content has not been added to any topics.

Health and safety at work

If the content exists in multiple topics, the topic names are separated by a semi colon. For example: Safety at work;Safety in the kitchen; Safety in the office

Learning plan id

The unique identifiers of the learning plans the content has been added to.

This column will be empty if the content has not been added to any learning plans.


Learning plan name

The name of learning plans the content has been added to.

This column will be empty if the content has not been added to any learning plans.

Food Hygiene 101

Total views

The total number of views for the item of content.


Total likes

The total number of likes for the item of content.


Total shares

The total number of times the item of content has been shared.


Total comments

The total number of comments posted underneath the item of content.


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