Editing a topic
The Edit Topic button on the Topics screen, allows site and community admins to configure topic settings, such as the layout and description, and can be used to add assessments and surveys to the topic.

The Edit topics screen consists of the following tabs:
Tab | Description |
Allows admins to reconfigure content-related settings defined when the topic was originally created, such as editing the topic description and reordering chapters. | |
The Settings tab allows admins to select and adjust various settings for a topic, such as changing the topic layout, displaying a digital signature for the content within the topic, and selecting which assessment types will be attached and configured. | |
The Assessment tab allows admins to create and configure questions and then add them to their chosen assessment type. | |
The Assessment settings tab allows you to configure various settings for informal, comprehension, diagnostic, revision questions, formal, and survey assessments. | |
The Survey tab allows you to attach an existing survey to the topic, as well as edit, copy, archive, and delete a survey. When a user completes the topic, the survey will become available. |