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Prerequisite steps

Before adding SuccessFactors widgets to pages in Design Studio, there are some prerequisite steps you must perform.

These are as follows:

1. Provide SuccessFactors details to Fuse Support

You must provide the Fuse Support team with some SuccessFactors account details, by raising a ticket in the Fuse Support portal. These details enable the Fuse Support team to configure the SuccessFactors integration. If you do not provide these details, the SuccessFactors widgets are unable to surface a user's SuccessFactors content in Fuse. Once you have provided these details, the Fuse Support team will add a custom profile field to each of your user's profiles called sf_user_id. This custom profile field is then used by your Fuse admin, to map each user's SuccessFactors ID to their Fuse user ID. Once a user's Success Factors ID has been added to this field, users can see their SuccessFactors content in SuccessFactors widgets. 

The following details are required:

  • User ID (required to generate an admin token)

  • SuccessFactors company ID

  • SuccessFactors API key

  • SuccessFactors API host

  • Base URL to the SuccessFactors application/content

  • The name of your company, as shown in SuccessFactors (this can be found in SuccessFactors content URLs)

2. Map SuccessFactors IDs to Fuse user IDs

Each user has a SuccessFactors ID in the SuccessFactors platform, and a user ID in Fuse. Once the Fuse Support team configures your SuccessFactors integration, using the details you have provided above, your organisation's Fuse site admin must map each user's SuccessFactors ID to their Fuse user ID. This can be done by importing a CSV, using Fuse's RESTful API, or manually entering the SuccessFactors ID in each user's profile. 


  • Each user must have their IDs mapped, so that they can see the correct content in SuccessFactors widgets

  • Admins should only map IDs for members of the community where a SuccessFactors widget has been added

You can map IDs in the following ways:

Mapping IDs by importing a CSV

You can map the IDs of multiple Fuse users, by importing a CSV in the Bulk import of users tab in the Imports screen. When importing the CSV, ensure that you enter the correct SuccessFactors ID for each user and ensure you map the sf_user_id header to the column in the CSV containing the SuccessFactors IDs.

Mapping IDs using the API

You can map IDs using the Manage Users endpoint in Fuse's RESTful API

PUT https://<instance_name><version_number>/manage/users/<valid_user_id>

You must include the sf_user_id field in the request body, along with the relevant SuccessFactors ID for the user. An example is shown below:  

	"profile": {
		"sf_user_id: "1234"

Manually adding an ID to a user's profile

You can manually map a user's SuccessFactors ID to their Fuse user ID, by entering the SuccessFactors ID in the sf_user_id field on the user's Personal settings screen. 

Next steps

Once you have performed the prerequisite steps, you can start adding the My assigned learning widget to pages in Design studio.  

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