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How are users affected if a recurrent learning plan is altered?

Making alterations to a recurrent learning plan affects each user differently, depending on:

  • How the learning plan is configured

  • What has been altered within the learning plan

  • The completion status of the assigned user

Users that have already completed a recurrent learning plan are impacted differently to those currently in progress, so it is important to keep this in mind before making changes.

Users are affected when:

  • New content is added or existing content is removed

  • The deadline/expiry is changed

  • The existing deadline is removed altogether

For tips on things to avoid when creating recurrent learning plans, see Is there anything I should avoid when creating recurrent learning plans?.

This table shows various changes that can be made and how users are impacted:

Learning plan has a…

What has changed

User is complete

User is not complete


Deadline removed

User’s status is unaffected

Deadline removed - user does not need to complete the learning plan by a particular deadline


Deadline changed

User’s status is unaffected

User must complete the learning plan by newly added deadline


Content removed

User’s status is unaffected

User is no longer required to complete removed content


Content added

User is marked as ‘Overdue

User must complete newly added content, and the same deadline is retained

Deadline and expiry

Deadline removed

User must complete learning plan when it resets

The deadline is removed but expiry and reset is retained

Deadline and expiry

Expiry removed

User will need to complete the learning plan once again

User’s status is unaffected

Deadline and expiry

Expiry period changed

Retains original compliance period

User’s status is unaffected

Deadline and expiry

Deadline changed

User’s status is unaffected

User must complete the learning plan by the new deadline

Deadline and expiry

Content added

User’s status is unaffected

User must complete learning plan, including newly added content, and the same deadline is retained

Deadline and expiry

Content removed

User’s status is unaffected

User must complete the learning plan but is no longer required to complete removed content

Learning plan has no deadline or expiry

Expiry is added

User is given a reset and expiry date based on their completion date within 48 hours

User is given a reset date once they have completed the learning plan

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