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User profile page

Each user in the platform has a profile, visible to both themselves and other users in the platform. 

Your own profile

To access your own profile, located on the My profile screen, click your profile picture in the top-right corner of the screen.


The My profile screen includes:

  • Your account details, as configured during your organisation's implementation.
  • The Edit profile button, which allows you to edit the details of your profile as well as your content notification/email settings.
  • A selection of tabs with information related to your Fuse participation history.

For more information see My profile page.

Viewing another user's profile

If you are an ordinary user, a manager, a community admin, or site admin, you can view another user's profile. 

You can view another user's profile by:

  • Searching for the user and clicking on them in the search results:

  • Clicking on a user's name underneath an item of content they have posted:

  • Clicking the user's name on a comment they've posted:

When viewing another user's profile, you can see: 

  • The user's Fuse account details.
  • A selection of profile tabs with information relating to their Fuse participation history.
To protect the privacy of other users, admins can decide what is visible to other users.

For more information see Viewing another user's profile page.

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