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Setting up a community promotional page

The Promotional page section of the Community admin screen allows community admins to add a promotional video, and a maximum of three featured topics to the preview page, for a community. Promotional content can be used to showcase the community to users who are not members of the community.

The Promotional page section contains the following configurations: 



Activate community promotional page

Select to display promotional content on the preview page of the community. 

View an example of a community promotional page

Click to view an example image of a promotional page. 

Select a promotional video for the community

Select an existing Fuse video to add to the promotional page. 

To add a video, click the Choose video content dropdown to select an existing video from the list.

To deselect the video, click the x

Select featured topics

Add a maximum of three featured topics to promote to users. 

To add a featured topic, to the right of a topic, click the +.

If necessary, use the Search for content field to filter the list.

The content is added to the Current promotion topics column. 

To remove a topic from the Current promotion topics column, click the cross x to the right of the topic. 

Click Save to save all configurations. 
When non-members view the preview page for the community, they will see the selected promotional content, as shown in the example below. 

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