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Reports in the Surveys tab

You can download data related to surveys from the Surveys tab, in the form of reports

The following reports can be downloaded:

Surveys report

Contains a list of questions from surveys created in Fuse, including the answer each user gave for the question. 

 This includes the following standard Fuse fields:



Survey Id

The unique identifier of the survey.

Survey Title

The title of the survey.

Survey Status

The current publication status of the survey. The following statuses can displayed: 

  • Published: The survey has been published and made available to the intended users.

  • Draft: The survey is currently in a draft format and has not yet been published. 

  • Archived: The survey has been archived, which means it is no longer in use or available to users. 

Survey Session Status

The status of the survey session. A user can complete the same survey multiple times. This column shows the status of the most recent session where the user started/completed the survey.

Survey session Id

The unique identifier of the survey session. 

User Id

The unique identifier of the user with access to the survey. 

User Name

The name of the user with access to the survey.

User E-mail

The email address associated with the user's Fuse account. 

User Status

The status of the user's Fuse account.

A user's account can be:

  • Active: The Fuse admin has activated the user's account by selecting the Active toggle in the Manage Users screen. This means the user can access their account regardless of whether they actually choose to log in or not. 

  • Deactivated: The Fuse admin has deactivated the user's account by deselecting the Active toggle in the Manage Users screen. This means the user can no longer access their account on the Fuse instance. 

Date (Start Date)

The date the user started the survey. 

Date (End Date )

The date the user completed the survey. 

Survey Answer Text

The user's response to the question. 

Survey Question Answer Type

The type of question. A survey question can be one of the following types:

  • Single: User selects one answer from a selection of available answers

  • Scale: User selects a number from a scale (from 1-5 or 1-10). 

  • Text: User enters their answer in a free text field. 

  • Multiple: User selects one or more answers from a selection of available answers. 

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