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All Communities report

The All Communities report allows you to generate a report containing a list of communities that exist in Fuse.

Below is an example of the All Communities report: 

This section includes the following:

Configuring the report

The All Communities report screen contains the following configuration fields: 

Report titleEnter the title of the report.
Start date and End date

Select dates from the Start date and End date calendars. These fields are mandatory and you must select a date range for the report, before being able to submit the report. 

Select fields to include in the report

Select data you want to include in the report/deselect data you want to omit from the report. 

Filter the report (optional)

Narrow down the data displayed in the report by selecting one or more available filters.

How often would you like to run this report?

Select how often you would like to run the report. 
From the
 Run drop down, select one of the following:

  • Once: The report will run once only.
  • Daily: The report will run once per day.
  • Weekly: The report will run once per week. 
  • Monthly: The report will run once per month. 

If you have selected Daily, Weekly, or Monthly, you can choose to stop the daily, weekly, or monthly creation of the report after a specific number of cycles, by selecting a number from 1-20 in the End after [#] Occurrences dropdown

Who can access this report?

In the Who can access this report section, specify the users or groups that will be able to access this report once it has been created.

Select one of the following:

  • Only me: Only you (the creator of the report) can access the report.
  • All users: All users in the community (specified in the Enter community name field above) can access the report.
  • Manually add users: Only specific users in the community (specified in the Enter community name field above) can access the report.
  • Assign by admin group: Only users in an admin group you have selected can access this report.
Forwarding (Optional)

Notify selected communities, or community members within those selected communities, once the report is created. 

Select one of the following:

  • Don't notify anyone:  No communities are notified.
  • Notify all community members: All community members from the communities specified in the Enter community field are notified. 
  • Notify specific users: Only selected members of the communities specified in the Enter community field are notified.

Report specific fields

The following standard Fuse user data can be included or omitted from the report:


Community ID

The ID of the community

Community name

The name of the community. 

Date created

The date the community was created. 

Number of contents

The total number of content items that exist in the community.
Number of MembersThe total number number of community members.
Community AdminsDisplays one or more community admins. 
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