Filtering the feed (Mobile)
The filters located at the top of the mobile social feed, can be used to narrow down the content displayed.
The following filters are available:
Filter | Description |
Most Recent | Content posted in communities you are a member of, with the most recently posted content at the top of the feed. Notes:
Recommended | Recommended content from communities you are a member of, based on the number of likes, views, shares, and comments, with the most popular content at the top of the feed. Content you have personally posted is not included in the Recommended list. Content shown in Recommended can be filtered by time period. For example, you might only want to see content posted in the last 24 hours. To filter the list of recommended content, tap the From dropdown and select a time period. The following can be selected from the dropdown:
If there is no recommended content to show for your selected time period, Fuse defaults to the next available time period. For example, if there is no recommended content to show for Today, Fuse automatically shows content for Last 24 hours instead. If there is no content for Last 24 hours, Fuse defaults to Last 7 days and so on. If no recommended content is available for any of the time periods, the following message is displayed: That's all there is for now! We'll recommend more content as it becomes available. |